About Law Enforcement Press


The Law Enforcement Press is a family-owned and operated business since 1990. Our company is devoted to producing a high quality product with updated graphics. Our experienced graphic artist custom makes each calendar to fit every department’s needs. We have a professional non-pressure sale staff that will represent your department in a positive manner.

We take pride in delivering the calendars to your department in or before December. The calendar program and ID cards are at no cost to your department. It actually helps raise money for special community programs, projects and equipment. We are a dependable professional company that will produce a calendar you will be proud to distribute throughout your community.

Custom Designed

Our calendars are designed in house and customized specifically for your department. They also include great features, some of which are listed below.


Custom Designed

All calendar programs includes ID badges for your personnel. You can use your department patch, city seal, state seal or pick a generic badge. They also include all necessary information such as name, title, badge #, height, weight, hair color, eye color and vital statistics. Don’t see your department colors? All ID’s can be customized to fit your department’s needs.


  • I think it turned out great. A little more personable with a community service feel. Thanks for the work!

    - Chief Matthew Seles, Chief of Police