Specifications for Digital Images

Use at least an 8MP Digital Camera to take your photos. Keep the background clean to avoid distracting the eye from the person in the photo. Make sure the lighting is good and backlight your subject to emphasize dimensionality. Set your camera at the highest quality resolution, instead of just changing the size and dpi, as this will make the image grainy and unprintable.


All images, scans, and colors must be CMYK. RGB or Pantone colors will be converted and Law Enforcement Press is not responsible for any color shifts.

Black & White

Images and ads must be set and saved at grayscale.


Ads must be in a PC format (NOT MAC, Please no Quark files). Create and save files in the department and business name.

Ex: CobbPD_McDonalds.pdf. Adobe Photoshop files must be in CMYK, at 300 dpi, line art in 600 dpi, in CMYK. The following files formats are accepted for the best quality results: tif, jpg, pdf, psd, bmp. PDF files: ensure all images are 300 dpi, line art in 600 dpi, in CMYK. Embed all fonts. Flatten all layers. Do not send a low-res file for any reason.


We may have to substitute some fonts. Our designers will ensure they will be matched as closely as possible.

Ad Specifications

Please follow the guidelines below to ensure file compatibility and maximum quality.

Ad Submission Requirements

CD Submissions

Mail with department name & contact information to Law Enforcement Press, P.O. Box 72643, Marietta, GA 30007. Submit your ad layout by ad copy deadline, with a color hardcopy or a color laser proof.

Email Submissions

Please attach your image to and email to julielep@comcast.net. In the subject line of the email, please type your department name, business name, the word ‘image’. For example: Cobb County PD – Image for Burger King. Or mail higher resolutions images with color hardcopy to Law Enforcement Press, P.O. Box 72643, Marietta, GA 30007.

Follow Guides

If ad copy does not meet full specifications listed above, Law Enforcement Press cannot guarantee nor be held responsible for the reproduction quality of the ad. Please follow specification carefully.

Please follow the guidelines below to ensure file compatibility and maximum quality.